Synopsis: Water Sirens is a collaborative audiovisual performance examining water as a medium through underwater singing, water sounds, underwater soundscapes and water visuals. Water Sirens is based on the Greek mythological figure of the sirens and the sea goddess Iemanjá. It was developed in the context of CTM Festival MusicMakers Hacklab Shapeshifters in January 2020 under the topic Liminality. The goal of the hacklab was to explore the proposed concept and present a public performance for the general audience. This collaborative performance was the output of one-week experimentation at Radialsystem in Berlin, Germany. It was facilitated by Peter Kirn and Tad Ermitaño.
Performed by:
Kupalua (underwater singing)
Masha Molokova (light sensor microphone)
Malu Laet (underwater electricity sensor)
Francisca Rocha Gonçalves (water live projection)
- Technique / Materials: audiovisual performance / MacBook Pro, soundcard Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, PA system, Arduino, Aquarian Audio H2a hydrophone, Jez Riley French custom-made hydrophone, light sensors, electrical current sensors, microphones, foggers, air pump motors, laser microphone with photoresistors, overhead projector, bathtub, acrylic, glass, water.
- Software: Ableton Live 10, Arduino.
- Dimensions (approx.): variable.
- Date: 2020.
- Location: Radialsystem, Berlin, Germany.